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Recordings of the ‘EuropeanaTech x AI: Cultural AI’ webinar are now online

On Friday, 7 May 2021, EuropeanaTech hosted the second webinar in the series EuropeanaTech x AI’. In this session we took the chance to dive deeper into ethical and political themes and therefore the session carried the stimulating title: 'Cultural AI Lab: Responsible AI and the Politics of Metadata'. In order to explore this theme with us, the Cultural AI Lab, the Lab's partners and ancillary research groups joined the program. The Cultural AI Lab's network of researchers and heritage professionals showcased their current work and shared their challenges.

Among these speakers were: Laura Hollink (a head of Cultural AI), Cindy Zalm & Valentin Vogelmann (SABIO: The SociAl BIas Observatory), Mari Wigham (‘Data stories’: Who's speaking? Politicians and parties in the media during the Dutch election campaign 2021), Nikolay Banar (INSIGHT: Neural Systems as InteGrated Heritage Tools) and Vendela Grundell Gachoud (Metadata as a Diversity Tool).

Europeana has recorded and recently published the webinar series. Find the ‘EuropeanaTech x AI: Cultural AI’ webinar here, or re-watch the other webinars: Saint George on a Bike Project, the Qurator Project and the ‘EuropeanaTech x AI: eScriptorium’ webinar.

7 mei

‘EuropeanaTech x AI’ webinar: “Cultural AI Lab: Responsible AI and the Politics of Metadata”

1 oktober

Cultural AI contributes to the Goethe Insitute Hackathon